Winter Chess


Torneo Madrid Chess Academy, WWC

Rules of Madrid City 2018, of the international Circuit WinterChess World Cup 2018

Type of Tournament
International Open Chess Tournament in 9 rounds, Swiss system, elo computable  FIDE. and for WWC final leg.


October 27th of 2018

Round Day Time
1 Saturday 17.00
2 Saturday 17.20
3 Saturday 17.40
4 Saturday 18.00
5 Saturday 18.20
6 Saturday 18.40
7 Saturday 19.00
8 Saturday   19.20 
9 Saturday 19.40

System Play
The games will be played at the rate of 3 minutes for the whole game + 2 seconds increment per move from move one. 

Courtesy Time
It establishes a courtesy time of 3 minutes, from the official time of beginning of each round, elapsed these will be lost by default.

Any player may request amaximum of 2 bye of 0.5 points, Bye for the last two rounds must be request before the end of the second round.

Apply the following tiebreakers

1 - Bucholz medium, adjusting virtual player FIDE
2 - Total Bucholz, adjusting virtual player FIDE.
3 - particular outcome
4 - progressive to the end
5 - Draw

The tournament will be held at Madrid Chess Federation, Avenida Payaso Fofó, nº 1

Can take part all kind of player, whatever their title, or ranking, provided you have some sort of federation license in force.

Participants who need to leave the game room during the match must contact the arbitration team.

Once the game is over, players must place the pieces on the board, deliver the sheets to the arbitral team and leave the gaming area. Analize games in the game room is strictly forbidden.

Electronic devices
The use of electronic devices during games is prohibited.

Initial list
Players will be sorted by their elo high to low.

  • First apply the ELO FIDE.

This mass will define alignment stretch is that the player to obtain rewards.

€ 10 for all players

Entries can be made by email to until 1 day before start tournament, after this date will not guarantee participation.


For any questions please get in touch tel. +34 667 246 104 or email

Privacy Policy
Participants in the tournament authorize the publication of their personal data in the various media that the organization considers desirable for the necessary publicity of the event (listings results, standings, players, games, etc..)

The organization reserves the right to change the present rules, especially the schedule of the games, always informing with the time enough to the participants.

Any matter not provided for in these rules shall govern the tournament FIDE regulations.

The tournament fee implies acceptance of these rules.

The arbitration board will be available to participants complaint forms


Federaciķn Madrileņa de Ajedrez Madrir Chess Academy Winter Chess